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- CPS (EN)
CPS enables database driven production of multilanguage publications like customer magazines, price lists, catalogues, product sheets.
All the contents like texts, tables, graphics and images are hold external in your ERP and/or CMS. With CPS it’s possible to feed the production from more than one source system at the same time. Changes in the source systems during the production process have effect to the publications. So you can guarante the publication contains the last valid information. As sources you can use all SQL Databases and Excel Files.
With CPS you can produce publication in the same time from different places. Another advantage of CPS is the control module. You can control the whole workflow in one webpage and you see all components of each language and version with the current status. It’s not important where your staff is working, in Singapur or Zurich, you have all in one page. You have the overview because you see in real time the status of each component (text, image, table).
CPS meets the highest safety claims used in United banks. With the philosophy «don’t call us, we call you» the system goes to pick up the required information from the outside sistems, and so no system has acces from outside to the CPS system.
- Author-Tools
CPS has different input systems. For example InCopy von InDesign, the Web-
Browser of CPSRemote, a Wordeditor or the direct data connection to your ERP system.
CPS has an automatic synchronisation, so you have anytime the current version with the latest data, even when the data are delivered fomr external systems.
- Workflow-Tools
With the Workflow tools you defeine the objects and the workflow. Recurrent Objects and Issues you can define as templates so you save time for the next production and increase the quality. Subsequent purely task-specific changes are of course always possible.Depending on the complexity of the product you can integrate the content management system CPSRedSys in the workflow
and assures an optimal project coordination worldwide. Depending on the configuration of the
Tracking System you can integrate automated tasks such as sending texts to translators and collecting those again. - Productions-Tools
In the production, CPS is flexible and gives you possibilities to resolve your task. Your collected
Material is processed in XML. With this format the data are platform- and
a layout tool – independent. The data can be processed with just any layout tool such as InDesign or
QuarkXPress. Or you can use CPS al a Web2Print Tool for the distribution of your information.
When you use CPS as a Web2Print Tool, you can use differente render engines. If FOP is enought, you can save money.
Of course CPSRemote supports also a full-blown InDesign Server, which the highest demands to the output. - Output
CPS can be used from business cards to holiday catalog all publications in web or print
Workflow-optimized manufacture. In the data output CPS is particularly flexible. Whether PDF, XML for
Web or various other formats to be edited, remains alone your decision.